A brief update

*tap tap tap*

Is this thing on?

Hello! It’s been a hot minute since anything has gone up here, and wow has a lot happened since the last time. Since then:

  1. One pair of partners departed to pursue other interests (like a Ph.D.!!!).
  2. One couple from the company parted to free up time to start a family, focusing on fostering kids and the fostering community.
  3. The other couple of the company started to focus on having a family as well, but the old fashioned way.
    • Two children were lost in this effort, but we finally got a successful pregnancy.
    • Two “Essential” workers trying to raise a toddler?!?
    • One of which broke their foot early on
  5. Stupid spinal stuff

But things have finally settled down enough for me to think “I should do a kickstarter.”

Not a big one, just a Make 100.

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